독서-Profit Lesson 최고이익을 만드는 23가지 경영수업-Adrian Slywortky 지음

Page 4-5 염두에 두어야할 질문들 – 우리 비즈니스에 맞는 이익모델은 어떤 것인가? 다른 이익모델과 구별할 수 있는가? – 경쟁사는 어떻게 이익을 창춠하는가? – 우리 비즈니스가 좀 더 많은 이익을 창출하도록 다으 석 달 동안 무슨 일을 할 수 있는가? – 어떤 이익모델을 사용해야 올해의 이익을 최대로 창출할 수 있는가? – 현재 조직이 우리의 비즈니스에 맞는…

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매일성경 요절 (2014-02-06)

우리가 그리스도 안에서 그의 은혜의 풍성함을 따라 그의 피로 말미암아 구속 곧 죄 사함을 받았으니(에베소서 1:7)       In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace(Ephesians 1:7, NIV)

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마스네- 타이즈의 명상곡

마스네- 타이즈의 명상곡 마스네의 타이츠의 명상곡은 마스네(1842-1912,프)가, <아나톨 프랑스> 의 소설을 소재로, 1894년 발표한 오페라로, 타이스 (Thais)는 이 오페라의 여주인공 이름입니다.. 타이스는, 이집트 나일강변을 무대로 하여 향락적 생활에 탐닉하는무용수 여인으로, 수도승 아타나엘은 그녀를 경건한 신앙생활로 귀의 시키고자 하나, 타이스는 오히려 아타나엘을 성적대상의 남자로 유혹 하려합니다. 정욕과 신앙사이에서 번민하던 타이스는, 마침내 믿음을 새롭게 하여 정욕을 떠나…

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20140205오늘의양식요약 Although confessed to God and forgiven by Him, things about ourselves that no one else knows─failures, faults, sins─may come back to accuse us again and again. But God, who knows everything about us, is greater than our self-condemnation. The one who receives Christ will never receive God’s condemnation. Our confidence toward God grows out…

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20140204오늘의양식요약 When asked by a lawyer to identify the most important rule in life, Jesus replied, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength”. As we learn to love God with everything, we have in mind a far more…

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20140203 오늘의양식요약

20140203 오늘의양식요약 Believers today sometimes make up rules for others to follow and insist on adherence to certain behaviors and beliefs that the Bible says little or nothing about. These stumbling blocks make it difficult for followers of Jesus to continue in the way of faith that He came to show us─that salvation is by…

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20140202오늘의양식요약 St. Nicholas Church in Galway, Ireland, has both a long history. It provides guidance in a very practical way. The church towers and its steeple is used by ships’ captains as a guide for navigating their way safely into Galway Bay. In a world of confusion and fear, guidance is often needed. We can…

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20140201 오늘의양식요약

20140201 오늘의양식요약 God heard Hannah’s silent prayer request and gave her a son. Since God searches our hearts and minds, He sees and hears every prayer─even the ones that never escape our lips. His all-knowing nature makes it possible for us to pray with full confidence that He will hear and answer. God fills our…

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20140201 오늘의양식요약

20140201 오늘의양식요약 God heard Hannah’s silent prayer request and gave her a son. Since God searches our hearts and minds, He sees and hears every prayer─even the ones that never escape our lips. His all-knowing nature makes it possible for us to pray with full confidence that He will hear and answer. God fills our…

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20140131 오늘의양식요약

20140131 오늘의양식요약 Have you ever experienced buyer’s remorse? In Genesis 3, we find the first record of a buyer’s remorse. The whole thing began with the crafty serpent and his sales pitch. The first man and woman got more than they bargained for. Sin has dire consequences. It always keeps us from God’s best. But…

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