20140215 오늘의양식요약

20140215 오늘의양식요약 A few years ago, I had a rather serious skiing accident and severely tore the muscles in one of my legs. I’ve wrinkled a few car fenders in my lifetime and dropped more than one dish. They’ve always stayed broken. Not so with my leg. As soon as the tearing of my muscles…

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20140214 오늘의양식요약

20140214 오늘의양식요약 Nothing speaks more clearly of God’s love than the cross of Jesus. He died in our place, so that our sin would not keep us separate from God for eternity. He lived out His words to the disciples: “Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his…

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20140213오늘의양식요약 “Your reputation is what you’re perceived to be by others,” legendary basketball coach John Wooden often told his players, “but your character is what you really are. You’re the only one that knows your character. You can fool others, but you can’t fool yourself.” Men talk too much of gold and fame, And not…

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20140212 오늘의양식요약

20140212 오늘의양식요약 Sculptors have a term for the artist’s ability to look at a rough piece of stone and see it in its final, perfected form. It is called “hyperseeing.” Hyperseeing is also a good description of our all-seeing God. He sees all that we are and more. He sees what we shall be when…

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20140211오늘의양식요약 Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in You. —Psalm 56:3 Twelve years into our marriage, my wife and I had attempted to have children. A friend said “Maybe God knows you’d be a bad father”. He knew that my mother had struggled with a terrible temper. But We serve a God who is…

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20140210오늘의양식요약 The power of music to heal and help is a gift from God that comforts many. Perhaps that is why the Psalms speak so deeply to us. There we find lyrics that connect with our hearts, allowing us to speak to God from the depth of our spirits. Despite his circumstances, David remembered God’s…

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20140209오늘의양식요약 The church of Ephesus during the time of the apostle Paul was comprised of both rich and poor, Jews and Gentiles, men and women, masters and slaves. Paul told them to endeavor “to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” Unity already exists because believers share one body, one Spirit,…

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20140208 오늘의양식요약

20140208 오늘의양식요약 The Old Testament recognized and provided for unintentional sins through appropriate sacrifices. Old Testament sacrifices were more than a reminder that accidental wrongs have consequences. They were given in anticipation that God in His grace would provide atonement even for wrongs we didn’t realize we were doing. He did this through the death…

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20140207오늘의양식요약 The account of Othniel’s life is brief and straightforward. No drama. No display of prowess. But what we do see is what God did through Othniel. The Othniel account helps us focus on what is most important─the activity of God. When I was young, I wished I could be more talented so that I…

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20140206오늘의양식요약 What changes take place in a life of faith after severe testing? I thought of this as I read the tragic story of a Jamaican dad who accidentally shot and killed his 18-year-old daughter while trying to protect his family from intruders. News reports said he went to church (as was his habit) the…

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